Bedre Naetter - nightly comfort thanks to our beds
Bedre Nætter - New Hyvä Themes front-end and a 200% increase in Google Lighthouse results.

Bedre Naetter has a multi-level complex ecommerce that includes many custom solutions and dedicated widgets. They also launched new marketing campaigns with many external widgets that allow to insert pictures, videos and graphics. Originally, the solution was built in Magento, while the front-end was created in Luma.
Chosen results
Before Hyva, Bedre Naetter had very poor results in Google Lighthouse: 14- 20. Now it's 60. However, it requires advanced planning and proper handling almost constantly due to lot of client activities. The loading time also depends on the speed of the user’s internet connection.
Before Hyva, the product card page made 300-500 requests to the server. This is a typical product page with a large number of native and external widgets scripts for tracking users (Google Tag Manager), Instagram photos, a help chat (the help chat stand alone had 111 server requests) etc.
With Hyva there are between 100 and max. 130 server requests.
Before Hyva: Avg. Page Load Time: 6.74 sec
Bedre Naetter has a multi-level complex ecommerce that includes many custom solutions and dedicated widgets. They also launched new marketing campaigns with many external widgets that allow to insert pictures, videos and graphics. Originally, the solution was built in Magento, while the front-end was created in Luma.

After a few years of maintenance, the front-end started to slow down. Key indicators from Google Lighthouse were getting worse. All pages were slow, modules and scripts were loading literally indefinitely. Images weren’t optimized for uploads, only the largest size were used. Additionally, new content wasn’t replacing the old one but was just added to it. There were also a lot of modules from external suppliers. In the end, everything slowed down significantly.
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